巴前驻华外交官:中巴经济走廊彰显共建“一带一路”活力 | 世界观

发布时间:2023年11月02日 16:22     来源:中国新闻网

  在中国提出共建“一带一路”倡议十周年之际,巴基斯坦前驻华外交官、巴基斯坦可持续发展政策研究所“一带一路”和全球治理区域研究中心主任哈桑·达乌德·巴特(Hassan Daud Butt)近日在接受中新网专访时表示,中巴经济走廊带动巴经济社会发展,促进地区互联互通和一体化进程,堪称是帮助巴基斯坦实现经济发展与繁荣的“灯塔”。(陈彩霞)

  Hassan Daud Butt, formal diplomat at the Pakistani Embassy in China and director of BRI & Regional Studies Global Governance Institute and SDPI, noted that the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) has actually propelled the economic growth in Pakistan. Gaps in the infrastructure have been shortened, the optical fiber connectivity, people-to-people interaction, seamless trade, connectivity of policies have actually being materialized and manifested. He believes that CPEC is a beacon of hope and one of beacons of economic prosperity.


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