法国专家:推动新能源发展实现脱碳 中国起到示范作用丨两会·世界观

发布时间:2024年03月05日 16:54     来源:中国新闻网

  中国的绿色发展,是全国两会期间的热点话题之一。近年来,在“双碳”目标的指引下,中国新能源产业突飞猛进,以新能源汽车、锂电池、光伏产品为代表的“新三样”成为外贸出口的新增长极。2024年全国两会召开之际,法国巴黎蒙田研究所气候、能源和环境研究员约瑟夫·德拉特(Joseph Dellatte)接受中新网采访时表示,在全球各国努力实现碳中和的过程中,中国的作用至关重要。中国在发展可再生能源方面取得令人赞叹的进步,这是未来发展的关键;此外,中国的可再生能源装机量令人印象深刻,在应用可再生能源实现脱碳这一方面,中国起到了很好的示范作用。(陈天浩 赵丽)

  The green development continues to be a hot topic of the Two Sessions. In recent years, China's new energy industry has advanced by leaps and bounds, with new energy vehicles, lithium batteries, and photovoltaic products becoming new growth poles of China's exports. As the Two Sessions kicked off, China News Network invited Joseph Dellatte, research fellow for climate, energy and environment at Institut Montaigne, to look ahead China's development of renewable energies. Dellatte noted that global carbon neutrality cannot be achieved without China achieving its own carbon neutrality. He added that both China's development of renewable energy and installed capacity are impressive, therefore, China is a nice example of decarbonization using renewables.


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