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2011年11月02日 13:10 来源:中国新闻网 参与互动(0)  【字体:↑大 ↓小

  特邀嘉宾:怀恩 埃文斯

  Special Guest :Wynne Evans

  怀恩 埃文斯:英国第一男高音

  Wynne Evans, UK’s Leading Tenor

  怀恩 埃文斯是英国最著名的男高音歌唱家。与华纳签下了“六张唱片”的合作合约,这在古典音乐界是不多见的。《我心中的歌》是他首张个人专辑,一经推出就排在了古典音乐排行榜的第一位。

  Wynne Evans is England’s leading tenor. He recently signed a six-album deal with Warner Brothers, which is a rare accomplishment in the classical music world. His first solo album, “A Song in My Heart,” shot straight to the top of the Classical Charts。


  Wynne was born in Carmarthen, South Wales and studied at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama and the National Opera Studio. He has sung as a principal with all of the major opera houses and orchestras, including Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Welsh National Opera and English National Opera. In addition, he has performed at over 20 Welsh international rugby competitions. Wynne has a deep understanding of classical music and puts his whole heart into astonishing work. He has earned great acclaim in the classical music world and his fan base reaches far and wide。

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