


2021年05月28日 15:42 来源:中国新闻网参与互动参与互动



  然而,部分美国政客对此视而不见,一门心思散布 “实验室泄漏”等阴谋论和虚假信息,这是对世卫组织专家组成员科学精神和研究成果的极大不尊重,更是对全球努力团结抗疫的亵渎和破坏。


Do U.S. politicians care about truth or made-up 'truth'?

By John Lee

(ECNS) -- The old trick of hyping the global tracing of COVID-19, making China a scapegoat of the pandemic and inciting "lab-leak theory,” has surged again in the United States.

China has always advocated for global cooperation in the tracing of COVID-19, based on facts and in a scientific way, to better cope with possible pandemics in the future. China invited a joint expert group from the World Health Organization to Wuhan to conduct a study of the origins of the coronavirus for 28 days starting from January 14, 2021. It is "extremely unlikely" that the novel coronavirus spread to humans through a laboratory leak, said the joint research report released by the WHO.

However, some U.S. politicians have turned a blind eye to the results and are zealous in disseminating the "lab-leak theory" and disinformation, which in no way respects science and the WHO's research results. It has also defiled and dismantled global efforts to fight the COVID-19.

The U.S. politicians with ulterior motives have long tacitly accepted that what is beneficial to China must always be firmly opposed. So they have remained silent about the Fort Detrick biolab, as the WHO discusses the next phase of virus traceability. If they really cared about the truth and wanted to pursue a transparent investigation, why would they do this? Hyping up the origin-tracing of the virus can't cover up the country's terrible handling of COVID-19. When will they focus on their domestic problems, respect facts and stop trying to make up so-called "truth"?

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