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2009年01月15日 16:06 来源:天津网-城市快报 发表评论  【字体:↑大 ↓小

  记单词都是用心(to learn by heart)、用脑(to remember,to memorize),怎么会用眼、用耳呢?有人有特异功能?


  The average person learns most of the 30,000 ~ 40,000 words whose meaning he or she recognizes by hearing them or getting familiar with them in the context or simply absorbing them without conscious effort. The best way to build a good vocabulary, therefore, is to read a great deal and to participate in a lot of good talks. There are relatively few words that we learn permanently by purposefully referring to dictionaries or keeping word lists. However, even those extra few are of value, and no one will make a mistake by working on developing a larger vocabulary. Here are some suggestions of how to do it.

  Read plenty of good books. When you come across a new word, or a new meaning of an old word, stop and see if you can understand it from its context. If you can’t, and if you can manage without interrupting the thought of the book too much, look it up in a dictionary or ask somebody and then repeat its meaning to yourself a couple of times. If you are really conscientious, write the word and its meaning in a personal vocabulary list - preferably using it in a sentence, or you can keep a special vocabulary notebook. Go over the list from time to time. Further, try to use a new word in writing or conversation a few times over the next several days.

  Listen to good talks and be alert to new words you hear or to new meanings of words you already know. Then treat them just as you do the new words you read.

  Learn and be alert to the parts of words: prefixes, suffixes and roots. Knowing them enables you to make intelligent guesses about the meaning of words.

  If you are studying a foreign language, be alert to words in that language which relate to words in English. English has inherited or borrowed much of its vocabulary of 500,000 ~ 600,000 words from Latin, Greek, French, Spanish and German.


  所谓用眼、用耳记单词,实质上就是要通过大量的阅读(to read a great deal)和倾听(to participate in a lot of good talks)来记忆单词,这是突破词汇的最有效的办法。









  记忆单词是学习英语的基础,也是学好英语和高考取得优异成绩的根本。记单词固然有方法,也有一些小窍门,但不要因此就“投机”,就“幻想”,要脚踏实地,持之以恒,通过梳理词汇表,加上大量的听读实践,使自己的词汇量达到和超过考试要求,英语学习不断取得突破。(南开中学 段胜利)

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