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2011年11月02日 13:06 来源:中国新闻网 参与互动(0)  【字体:↑大 ↓小


  Co-starring:Robert Wells


  Robert Wells: Sweden’s Treasured Artist


  Robert Wells, a treasured Swedish pianist, singer, and composer, has gained international recognition with his rock and roll piano performances. His inspired infusion of musical genres covering classical, jazz, pop, rock ’n roll and blues has made his work a national source of pride. He and his Rhapsody of Rock Orchestra became famous with their “Rhapsody of Rock” productions, performing at the Metropolitan Opera House in New York, the Berlin Concert Hall, the Golden Hall in Vienna, London’s Royal Albert Hall, Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow, and many other world renowned venues. Robert and his orchestra have been ranked the most popular contemporary musicians four consecutive times by Europe and America authority musical magazine。


  In 2008, he collaborated with Tan Dun to create music for the Beijing Olympic Games and the Beijing Paralympics. Robert has visited China 35 times in the past 10 years and considers China to be his second home. Tan Jing and Robert got along very well during their cooperation for the Olympic Games and Shanghai World Expo, giving Robert an excellent impression of Tan Jing and heralding their artistic fate to perform together again in London。


  Performance Highlights: After his performance of “Rhapsody in Rock”, he will show the world how a rock pianist and Chinese artist team up to perform 。

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