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失业率居高不下 美国经济复苏力度存疑

2011年05月23日 08:31 来源:经济参考报 参与互动(0)  【字体:↑大 ↓小


  U .S. factory output slipped for the first tim e in10 m onths in A pril as a shortage of

  parts from Japancrim ped activity and hom e building slum ped,show ingtheeconom ygot off to aw eak start in thesecondquarter.Signs oflackluster econom ic

  activity werealsoevident indecliningsales at W al-M art Stores,which said its custom ers were stillliving from paycheckto paycheck.



  The benchm ark 10-year U .S.Treasury note rose6/32 in price,its yield m oving throughresistance at3.14 percent to stand at 3.13 percent,afterearlier fall-ing to 3.10 percent,which was the lowest since earlyDecem ber.The econom ic data“added to the m arket'ssense

  that the econom y is in a slower growth m ode,”said Cary Leahey,m anaging director and senior econ-om ist at Decision Econom ics.

  美国10年期公债价格上涨6/32,收益率报3.13%,突破约在3.14%的阻力位,盘中一度跌至3.10%,为去年12月初以来最低。Decision Econom ics总经理Cary Leahey称,经济数据令“市场愈发感到经济处于较慢的增长模式。”(路透社)


  T he U.S . m anufacturing and servicessectorsw ill continueto grow thisyearasrevenues rise,accordingtoanindustryforecastreleased on T uesday . T heInstituteexpectsm anufacturingrevenue

  w ill rise 7.5percent thisyear. R evenueinthenon-m anufacturingsectoris expectedtobe up2.1percent.

  美国供应管理学会(ISM )周二在半年度会员调查报告中表示,今年美国制造业和服务业的经济活动应当会继续增长。(《华尔街日报》)


  T he real U Sproblem is that of jobless re-covery. T his is the other side of the rapidriseinproductivity-another league inw hichthe U Sheads the w esternw orld-andthe answ er tothisproblem is still faster grow thrather thanjustspecial schem es.


  真实稳固的复苏一直没有来临是因为高失业问题没有得到有效解决。   (闫磊 编译)

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